
The socio-economic conditions during the 6th century BC led to the rise of many heterodox sects in India and Buddhism was one of them. Buddhism forms an important part of Indian history and culture. Buddhism is a religion that is based on Dharma and Philosophy. It was started by Siddhartha Gautama more popularly known as Lord Buddha. The word Buddha essentially means the "Awakened One". The teachings of Buddha have been preserved till date and are essentially in Sanskrit and Pali language. The history of Buddhism dates back to almost 2500 years and was established around the 5th Century B.C. In this section, we give an introduction to Buddhism and cover the important aspects of Buddhism religion.

A Buddha is basically described as a person who "wakes up" from the "sleep of ignorance". This is done through constant efforts such as meditation and abstaining from materialistic pleasures. The person realizes the true meaning of reality without any help from others and lives the rest of his life preaching knowledge for the benefit of others. A person who wants to attain inner bliss and true happiness should stay away from all worldly pleasures and do meditation in order to tame the mind. Nirvana can be attained by following the Four Noble Truths that lead you to the Eight Fold Path of nirvana.

The Four Noble Truths
To attain inner happiness and bliss, one must first realize the Four Noble Truths that explains the true meaning of life. The Four Noble Truths are:
  • Life means suffering
  • Origin of suffering is attachment
  • Cessation of suffering is attainable
  • Path to the cessation of suffering is Eight Fold Path
A person who realizes the meaning of the Four Noble Truths is closer to the attainment of Nirvana. On realizing the meaning of life, it is easier to accept reality and strive towards attaining a stage that is called Nirvana. The Four Noble Truths assert that suffering exists in the world. The cause of human suffering is attachment and the inability to let go of worldly possessions. However this suffering is temporary and can be terminated. The path that leads to the termination of suffering is the Eight Fold Path.

The Eight Fold Path
The Eight Fold Path basically explains the way to end suffering and attain Nirvana. It is also known as the Middle Way as it lies somewhere between total intemperance and total asceticism. It is about seeking the bliss through a way that makes not just the soul but also the body relaxed and peaceful. The Eight Fold Path is as follows:
  • Right View
    The first aspect of the Eight Fold Path is right view and perception. The ability to see through things clearly will help you in instilling the right thought and right action.
  • Right Intention
    The right view leads to the right intention. This basically refers to preferences and decisions. This is the first step towards performing right action and deeds. Right intention can be explained as the feeling of dedication towards self improvement.
  • Right Speech
    Right speech is known as the first principle of moral and ethical conduct. The right speech is an integral part of the Eight Fold Path. Words should be chosen carefully so as not to cause pain to another soul. Words are crucial as they can either make or break relations. Positive, warm and friendly words are the foundation of right speech.
  • Right Action
    Right action basically refers to the deeds and bodily actions that are performed by an individual. These actions should not be done with wrong intentions or with a hurtful thought. The actions that you do should bring about a positive effect or change in the life of an individual.
  • Right Livelihood
    The right kind of livelihood means that one should earn a living through ethical means, hard work and the right way. One should not indulge in wrong means of earning money like taking lives, selling animals and human trafficking, selling intoxicants or alcohol, etc.
  • Right Effort
    The right effort is what makes all other paths worthwhile. Without effort nothing is achievable in life. Positive effort takes a person towards positive goals in life while distracted efforts take a person towards negative goals. The right kind of effort makes every action and word meaningful and worthwhile and brings you closer to Nirvana.
  • Right Mindfulness
    The process of conceptualization with the help of active observation and controlled thoughts is known as right mindfulness. Perception induces thought and this thought is interpreted into experiences and actions. The ability to see things in a clear perspective with transparent consciousness is what right mindfulness is all about.
  • Right Concentration
    The final principle of the Eight Fold Path is the right concentration. The mind should be concentrated on positive forces so as to achieve positive results. If used properly, concentration of the mind is very powerful. People who practice Buddhism meditate to focus their minds in order clear it from clutter (unwanted thoughts). This concentration helps to see things in a clearer perspective and accept reality the way it is.